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The Twin Ports Diesel & Auto Blog

diesel repair shops
November 1, 2024
There are a few weather considerations you should keep in mind when it comes to your diesel engine. Contact local diesel repair shops today to learn more.
auto repairs
September 3, 2024
In this informative blog post, we'll cover three compelling reasons to consider planning a budget specifically for auto repairs and maintenance.
car repairs
February 22, 2024
Every driver needs to know about brake safety because accidents can result if proper car repairs aren't completed in a timely manner.
diesel repair shop
December 20, 2023
When it comes to vehicles, any diesel repair shop will tell you that fuel matters. Let's look at a few reasons why diesel engines are unique.
auto repair shop
October 24, 2023
Are you overdue for an oil change? In this blog post, we'll detail why it's so important to regularly visit your local auto repair shop for this service.
diesel repair shop
August 18, 2023
Is your engine smoking? It's probably time to take it to a diesel repair shop. Here is what you need to know about the smoke color before bringing it in.
April 13, 2023
While an older car can still work perfectly fine, over time the vehicle can start to experience issues that need to be addressed by an auto repair shop.
diesel repair shop
December 6, 2022
Not sure if your diesel glow plugs are going bad? Check out these four common signs of bad diesel glow plugs before you bring your car to a diesel repair shop.
October 12, 2022
A flashing light indicates a problem is serious and that you'll need to visit a car repair garage right away. Here are some common check engine light triggers.
auto repair shop
September 20, 2022
Like all mechanical systems, a car's AC can experience problems from time to time. Let's take a look at four of the signs you need to visit an auto repair shop.
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